We have designed comfortable and livable homes for families of all shapes and sizes. Multi million dollar estates on Lansing Island to beachfront condos on A1A. No project is too large or too small for our team. New construction or renovations are stress free when you hire our design team to manage every detail. We can help you redesign your home or simply be your color consultant. We have the contacts and expertise, why would you trust anyone else? Call us today for a consultation.
model homes
We have more than 30 years of experience designing interiors for premier custom builders. Model home merchandising is second nature to our team. We have been awarded more First place ribbons and Platinum awards than any other design team in our area. Your new model home will be award winning when you hire our team.
If you are selling a home and need to WOW buyers, we are experts at just that. Each and every detail is carefully planned and executed. Once we complete the transformation, your home will be model ready. Maximize potential buyer appeal and get top dollar for your home today. We work with owner occupied homes, vacant homes, investor's home and realtor listings.